Programme 2014-15

The Academy’s core curriculum is based on our Full-time Diploma programmes. However, shorter stays are possible – from three months to one week. Part-time students may attend one trimester (Single Trimester programme), and Guest students may attend our 1 or 2 week Intensives. We also offer our popular Summer Seminar in Italy.

The Diploma Programme

• The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art offers a two year and three year Diploma Programme for full-time students.
• Each week, students follow courses while working on a series of studies and trimester paintings.
• Classes are held from 10 AM – 6 PM, Monday to Friday, with a teacher present at all times.
• The first 3 days of the week are dedicated to specific courses on the Theory and Practice of Art; the last 2 days of the week are given over to supervised Studio Time.
• Each trimester teacher transmits their own techniques (as can be seen in their paintings) as well as aspects of their vision and painting practice.
The First year students create smaller scale paintings which focus on specific trimester themes related to the figure, composition, colour etc.
The Second year students create major paintings that pursue more ambitious compositions, with multiple figures and complex colour schemes.
• Diplomas are awarded at the end of the second and third year.
The Two Year Diploma is awarded on the merits of their studio work and trimester paintings.
The third year students work full-time on their ‘Masterpiece’ – a large-scale painting that is supervised by an established Visionary artist (such as Alex Grey or Martina Hoffmann). They also have the unique opportunity of performing a three-week internship in the artist’s studio (in Vienna or abroad), while creating their ‘masterpiece’ for recognition as a Master artist.

• Each TRIMESTER progresses technically from Drawing to Painting, with a brief interlude for the Intensives.
– Part I – 4 weeks of Drawing
– Part II – 2 weeks of Intensives
– Part III – 5 weeks of Painting
• Each of the trimester teachers guides the student’s trimester paintings while teaching the technique which they themselves practice ~ usually a form or variation of Ernst Fuchs’ Mischtechnik.

• Each ACADEMIC YEAR progresses thematically from one trimester to the next, following the diverse influences on Visionary Art:
• Fall Trimester:
The Humanist Style – The ‘Western’ Canon of Classical Greek & Renaissance Art
• Winter Trimester:
The Hieratic Style – The ‘Eastern’ Canon of Ancient, Islamic & Hindu-Buddhist Art
• Spring Trimester:
Combining the Humanist & Hieratic Styles in Contemporary Visionary Art
• These themes relate to all Full-time and Part-time courses (Figure, Composition, Sacred Geometry, Colour etc.)

• Special courses in the Promotion & Exhibition of the artist’s work are held at the end of each year.

Laurence Caruana lecturing

Laurence Caruana lecturing

The Single Trimester Programme

• For those students who cannot attend full-time, we also offer a part-time study programme. In this case, the part-time student enrolls for a single trimester (Fall, Winter or Spring) and creates studies and trimester paintings, under the teachers for that trimester, based on the theme for that trimester.

• Each trimester teacher transmits their own techniques (as can be seen in their paintings) as well as aspects of their vision and painting practice.

• Each academic year progresses thematically from studies in The Humanist Style (the ‘Western’ Canon of Classical Greek & Renaissance Art) in the Fall Trimester to The Hieratic Style (the ‘Eastern’ Canon of Ancient, Islamic & Hindu-Buddhist Art) in the Winter Trimester to Combining the Humanist & Hieratic Styles in contemporary Visionary Art in the Spring Trimester. These themes relate to all Full-time and Part-time courses in the Figure, Composition, Sacred Geometry, Colour etc.

• Each trimester progresses technically from 4 weeks of Drawing to 2 weeks of Intensives to 5 weeks of Painting. Classes are held from 10 AM – 6 PM, Monday to Friday, with a teacher present at all times.

• Those part-time students who leave after one trimester will receive a credit that goes towards the completion of the Two Year Diploma (which is awarded after 6 trimesters of study). Students may come and go for Single Trimesters over the course of several years to obtain their 6 credits for a Two Year Diploma.

• Part-time students may also attend the Intensive of that trimester at a 50% discount.

Timea Tallian preparing colours for thangka painting

Timea Tallian preparing colours for thangka painting

The Intensives

For guest students, the Academy offers various Intensives taught by well-known Visionary artists.
Each trimester, the Academy offers either one 10-DAY INTENSIVE or two 5-DAY INTENSIVES.

• The tuition fee for Guest Students is €300 (transport & accommodation are not included).
The tuition fee for Single Trimester Students is €300 minus a 50% discount = €150

• The tuition fee for Guest Students is €590 (transport & accommodation are not included).
The tuition fee for Single Trimester Students is €590 minus a 50% discount = €295

• All Intensives are offered free-of-charge to Full-time Academy students.

In the 2014-15 academic year, the Intensives will be held according to the following schedule:


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One 10-day Intensive:

From October 20th – 31st, 2014 – Monday to Friday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
In this special course, artist and art conservator Timea Tallian pursues the physical and spiritual dimensions of paint to render alchemical designs.
The cryptic alchemical symbols used in Hermetic texts contain multiple layers of meaning. Through meditation and ritual, we’ll embark on an inner journey to discover personal images of power, exploring the planets, metals, crystals, animals and plants. …All will be combined into a Mystic Key to unlock our innermost soul, destiny and direction.
We’ll also explore oil painting techniques of the Flemish Old Masters, like Jan van Eyck and Hieronymus Bosch. And, we’ll learn about the ancient art of Book Illumination – an art from which these painterly methods evolved…
This Intensive is suitable for artists of all levels, to learn the basics of oil painting in a more spiritual Way. It is especially recommended for anyone who loves to forage through Nature’s Garden in search of natural, free and non-toxic artist’s materials.



One 10-day Intensive:

– From February 2nd – 13th, 2015 – Monday to Friday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
– From a simple circle to complex polyhedra, master geometer Daniel Kage will guide the students in the construction of two and three dimensional shapes in cardboard – drawing, cutting and folding according to the Japanese art of modular kirigami.
– Participants will begin with basic 2D constructions like the Vesica Piscis, Seed of Life, Fruit of Life, Metatron’s Cube, Tree of Life and Flower of Life. Expanding into the third dimension, we’ll draw, cut & fold cardboard to construct 3D polyhedra such as the five Platonic Solids, the Archimedean Solids and, ultimately, the five Interlocked Tetrahedra.
– Participants will also explore the spiritual meaning of these geometric shapes. We will individually construct the parts of a giant polyhedron, to share in the collective creation of a 3D mandala. And, through meditation and visualization, different harmonic shapes will serve as vehicles for inner journeying.





Two 5-day Intensives:

( — Now Sold Out! — )

– May 4th – 8th, 2015 – Monday to Friday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm
– Learning how to express your energy through line, colour and form in a variety of painting media and techniques.

– May 11th – 15th, 2015 – Monday to Friday from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm

– Vivation integrates some of the cores principles of tantra, breathwork, yoga and meditation through their unique practice of circular breathing, relaxation, awareness, willingness and the integration into ecstasy. In this special workshop, Paul Hughes, the director of Vivation International, will apply Vivation to the practice of Visionary Art, allowing artists to overcome artistic blocks and free their creative urge.


The Summer Programme

The Academy also offers a summer programme in Italy, called The Expanded Visions in the Mischtechnik Seminar. In the hilltop eco-village of Torri Superiore, students and teachers gather for three weeks of intensive painting. Participants of all ages, from all parts of the world, soon form a cohesive group through shared activities like chanting, yoga and hikes to the fabulous Swimming Grotto near by. The following programme is offered for July of 2015:

• David Heskin: the Mischtechnik
• Aloria Weaver: Glazing

• A. Andrew Gonzalez: Airbrushing

As well as shorter workshops by the remaining members of The Visionary Guild.