2019 Winter

It is not too late to register for
Laurence Caruana’s half of the Winter Trimester
from February 18th – March 22nd, 2019 (5 weeks)




Enjoy the beautiful city of Vienna
and the company of kindred spirits

Experience the direct transmission of art techniques
from professional artists – for a full or half trimester…

Part 1: ACRYLIC AND OILS with Ihti Anderson – Jan 7th – Feb 8th, 2019
Part 2: MISCHTECHNIK with Laurence Caruana – Feb 18th – March 22nd, 2019

Full Trimester: €3,300
Half Trimester: €2000

Click here for
Laurence Caruana’s half of the Winter Trimester

Part 1: Ihti Anderson 

January 7th – February 8th, 2019 (5 weeks)


Ihti Anderson returns to The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art

The Academy is happy to welcome back Ihti Anderson for 5 weeks of intensive teaching where you will receive a variety of tools for rendering your vision. 

Since 2005, Ihti Anderson has been touring the world, exhibiting his large U.V. tapestries and creating sacred spaces for festivals and tribal gatherings. Through these extensive travels, his art has evolved from psy-trance decorations to highly-detailed hieratic compositions, carefully conceived and painted on stretched canvas.

“I wish to show to our students how visionary artists are a family and our way is unity, creativity, and sharing experience to grow in our movement and inspire others.” – Ihti Anderson

Explore a Variety of Techniques to Render your Vision

  • Ihti Anderson will give you the keys to express your inner world
  • Beginning with a black or gradient background on canvas or textile, you will learn how to utilize whites to create volume and perspective in new ways
  • Then, glazing with acrylics, you will learn the various ways of mixing U.V and normal colour
  • In a series of smaller studies, you will be guided in experiments with digital and airbrush media
  • Digitally, you will learn how to create a variety of visionary effects, such as line matrices, depth perspectives and mandalic symmetries
  • With the airbrush, you will develop monochrome as well as freestyle airbrush imagery using dynamic masks and simple stencils
  • In the upper layers of your main painting, you will implement these techniques, adding detailed effects and retouching with regular brushes
  • The final steps will include glazing with oils on top of acrylics, and how to retouch digital reproduction with U.V. paint

Ihti explains : “Visions occur to all of us – everyone can see them in a dream, in deep meditation, in prayer, or just randomly in the middle of the day. Often, the information hidden in a vision can have a very important role – not only for the specific person, but for humanity as a whole. To emphasize this, I use signs and symbols from different cultures and sacred geometry.”

All levels accepted in a non-competitive environment

  • Ihti is a very patient teacher who knows how to adapt his teaching according to your level.
  • His goal is to keep the focus on the step-by-step development of the artist’s work. For beginners, he’ll start with simple designs and progress gradually.
  • For more experienced artists, he will go deeper into the various layers of composition and spectral colours, requiring an increasing sensitivity to light, form and colour. 





About Ihti Anderson

The art of Ihti Anderson is unique. From one tapestry to the next, intergalactic beings mingle with undersea creatures in organic nets or polygonal webs – all aglow in ultra-violet colours against a black background. The artist uses a variety of media, from U.V acrylics on a black background to airbrushing, computer graphics and more traditional media. His activities have expanded from decoration to digital printing, performance, and producing his own line of silk-screened or hand-painted clothing.


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Make your €500 deposit for the 2019 Winter Trimester

Read here for Refund & Cancellation Policy


Part 2: Laurence Caruana

February 18th – March 22nd, 2019 (5 weeks)










A rare opportunity to study with the Academy Director

As artist, author and teacher, Laurence Caruana has inspired hundreds of students to see and explore new aspects of their vision. With a passionate interest in Old Masters’ techniques and the Alchemy of Painting, he brings new depths of understanding to the artist’s quest for beauty, harmony and sacred expression in paint.  

The Alchemical Approach to Painting

  • For five weeks, the canvas will be treated as a sacred vessel for inner work
  • Beginning with a black canvas, you will create random forms in soft whites as the foundational Prima Materia for your visualizations
  • Then, through a series of preparatory lectures and guided visualizations, you will begin to manifest the elemental powers (earth, water, air, fire, ether) at work in the paint and in your soul
  • These visual practices will also help you to develop the alchemical theme and subject matter of the work
  • Careful preparations of the painting’s basic design (or underdrawing) will then follow, implementing principles laid out in L. Caruana’s book Sacred Codes
  • These include the principles of vision, and how the narrative composition leads the eye through the painting
  • We’ll pursue the roots of composition in sacred geometry, harmony, and ornament
  • As well as the classical principles underlying the figure – proportion, the pose and the soul’s dynamic movement around invisibile straight lines
  • Once complete, the transferred drawing will serve as a template for the further development of vision
  • A layered approach to the painting will ensue, respecting the metallic (lead, tin, iron, copper, mercury, silver, gold) and planetary correspondences at each layer
  • The fundamental nature of oil, varnish and essential oils, along with the alchemical composition of pigments (e.g. the marriage of mercury and sulphur in cinnabar and vermillion) will be explored through traditional alchemical experiments and procedures
  • All in all, you will find a safe and encouraging environment to evolve your own sacred vision and gain a thorough familiarity with the techniques to express it

Become a lineage-holder of the Mischtechnik:

  • Learn the classical oil technique that alternates between layers of white egg tempera and coloured oleo-resinous glazes
  • Through the alchemical mixture of oil and water, this “mixed technique” will allow you to see and discover new imagery within the paint
  • This layered approach to painting allows you to gradually perfect the image while creating visionary effects like jewels, haloes and energy lines through opalescent & transparent glazes
  • The coloured glazes create unique spectral effects through the optical mixing of colour
  • This Old Masters’ approach to painting was revived by Professor Ernst Fuchs and transmitted directly to Laurence Caruana, who is now one of the world’s foremost teachers and practitioners of the Mischtechnik. Fuchs charged him with the mission to pass on, not just this venerable method, but the visionary seeing it evokes, to a new generation of artists

A course for both beginners and advanced painters in a safe, inspiring environment

  • Students with no prior experience – have no fear! – these techniques are very forgiving, allowing changes and alterations at each layer
  • Laurence welcomes students at all levels of experience – from beginners to advanced – and advances each artist at their own pace
  • For artists accustomed to acrylics, the transition to oil and tempera is a rich and rewarding experience, allowing for new explorations in oil’s unique opalescent effects
  • For advanced students, Laurence offers an abundance of new directions to explore, combined with his rich experience to inspire and elevate your vision to new levels

A Note from the Teacher

“After teaching on both sides of the Atlantic for many years, I took a break to focus my energies on large-scale painting (The Apocryphon Chapel), writing (volume I of Sacred Codes) and creating the Academy (along with its new Cultural Space). I’m returning to teaching this winter with renewed vigor and a whole host of ideas. Most of these revolve around Alchemy – not as some obscure practice – but as a rich source of inspiration. Alchemy helps us to visualize the steps and processes that occur in painting. More than that, we will treat our canvas as the alchemical vessel where visionary seeing occurs. Alchemy makes painting into a seven-staged self-contained experiment that simultaneously reflects the artist’s innermost depths and the cosmos as a whole.

“I’m also looking forward to sharing my teaching time with Florence Ménard, my partner and the Academy’s creative co-founder, who is now very adept at leading visualizations and healing journeys. In a certain sense, she will become my soror mystica – the ‘mystical sister’ who manifests the alchemist’s deepest wisdom. Through the combined practice of painting and guided visualizations, we hope to inspire you on a healing soul journey through art and awakening.” – Laurence Caruana 

About Laurence Caruana

Detailed, precise, with a fine line and accomplished hand, Laurence Caruana brings a classical approach to his painting, which abounds nevertheless in mythical and dream-like imagery. In 2000, he apprenticed under Ernst Fuchs, learning the Mischtechnik which he began teaching at The Visions in the Mischtechnik Summer Seminars at Torri Superiore Italy, created in 2008. His teaching expanded stateside with more workshops at The Omega Institute and Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in upstate New York. Due to the success of the Summer Seminar, he co-founded The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art where, as director and teacher, he shares his love of painting, urging students to explore both the technical and visionary sides of painterly creation. Laurence Caruana is also the author of several books, including his latest publication – Sacred Codes: The Forgotten Principles of Painting Revived by Visionary Art.


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Make your €500 deposit for the 2019 Winter Trimester
The full tuition for the 5-week half-trimester is €2000

Read here for Refund & Cancellation Policy


Testimonials for Ihti Anderson:

Taking a course with Ihti at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art was one of the greatest periods of development I’ve experienced as an artist. Ihti is very down to earth and relatable as a teacher. I had a tremendously fun time creating my “Crystal Guardian” piece under his guidance. It was my first time working with airbrush, not to mention UV Acrylic on fabric! After experiencing quantum leaps & exponential evolutions, and pouring so much of myself into the previous course, I was feeling little lacking in inspiration… but Ihti helped me push through the block + (surprising myself) I continued to stretch and grow as an artist! Seeing the different scales at which Ihti works is also something to behold. The magnitude of some of the works he brought with him is astonishing. He was always available to advise our execution, and his demonstrations left me feeling confident in my ability to experiment on the canvas. All around, though, Ihti is someone worth getting to know in and out of the studio. I would definitely go for another round of learning with this young master.
– David Hedriana

In 2016, I was living in Austria and attended the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art. My first trimester was with Ihti Anderson and Mark Lee, both exceptional artist in their own fields and devoted instructors. Ihti Anderson is a remarkable festival set designer and an exceptionally talented artist who predominately works with UV paints and airbrushing. Under his instruction and guidance I became confident and fluid in working with UV paints as well as learning how to handle and understand the maintains and care of an airbrush. The environment at the Academy is one of total inclusion and it was an absolute privilege to work alongside many other bright young artists from across the globe. Vienna being such an inspiring city to study in and the location of the Academy being right in the hub of all the activity, it really is an experience of ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity. I had the chance to be tutored by Laurence Caruana in both painting and life-drawing classes and his ability to deliver and explain his wealth of knowledge both in materials and techniques is testament to his years as an artist and student himself. This coming winter trimester is bound to be a fountain creative inspiration for anyone willing to up-skill and deepen their own practice as an artist in a place that holds so much space for development on all levels; intellectual, emotional and spiritual. Enjoy watching the snowflakes fall from the studio windows and nothing screams out studio time, than being kept warm within its walls. 
– Lani Midgley

Studying with Ihti Anderson in 2016 was very rewarding. He taught us his unique way of painting on a black background with UV paint. I was not familiar with this painting technique at all but I loved it. It was especially rewarding when I saw my painting glow and come to life under the black light and shine with luminescent colors. I especially liked his explanation of the drawing techniques for creating patterns and structures in perspective. Also, the Photoshop tips he explained are still something I use a lot in my work. That also goes for the experimentation that went on with the airbrush and his wide knowledge about this specific and advanced tool. While I was staying in Vienna we became good friends and I enjoyed sharing my creative journey with him. All in all, I’m very glad that I took the opportunity of studying in the academy and to share this experience with my fellow art students. I think this is definitely a very unique course with a very rare and talented visionary UV Artist you won’t find somewhere else on the globe.
– Sander Bos

Testimonials for Laurence Caruana:

Six years ago I took a leap into the unknown to begin learning techniques of painting. Standing at the threshold of this realm of creative practice was a new friend and guardian of the knowledge which I sought – a man named Laurence Caruana.
His personal contribution to the realms of art and writing have been great and he has gradually become a kind of pillar of the Visionary Art movement as a co-founder of The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.In my own experience the academy represents much more than just another art school.It is a sanctuary for dreamers and transformers, a bastion of the sacred principles in art.
No one I know is more learned of these principles than Laurence and I highly recommend him as a teacher. The insights he brought to me during my time as a student at the academy have been invaluable to learn as a creator and go on to guide me every day. You have a rare chance here to glean some of those insights for yourself. Whether you are a beginner or adept artist you will gain from it.
– Kevin Campeau

Studying the mischtechnik with Laurence changed my artistic life. Not only did the old masters’ technique add the light and nuances my painting had been missing, but the depth and breadth of Laurence’s knowledge of art history, both eastern and western sacred art traditions, and his hands on experience working with Ernst Fuchs, opened the door to materials, vocabulary, and principles beyond my reach as a previously self-taught artist. His respect for and dedication to assisting each artist express his/her unique vision coupled with immersion in an artistic community that reflected my desire to create more than pretty pictures kept me coming back for more–6 different workshops in Italy and Vienna! It’s gratifying to see how many of my fellow students have become teachers in their own right thanks to the unique creative environment Laurence and Florence have dedicated their lives to creating.
– Kathleen Schmieder

Participating in the Visions in the Mischtechnik Seminar in Italy during the summer of 2011 and 2012 was a major turning point in my life. Not only did I finally learn a great painting technique which radically enhanced my artistic expression but also experienced a spiritual renewal and a great opening of the heart. Meeting kindred souls and artists that were on a similar path was deeply inspiring to me.

It is due to the kindness and generosity of Laurence Caruana that I found the courage to follow this path. He responded with great encouragement to my art and made me feel that what I did mattered. That to me reflects the general climate of learning at the Academy, which is imbued with a spirit of mutual support, appreciation and friendship. Through these circumstances the creative being gets nurtured and can blossom in the right way.
I warmly recommend taking a course at the Academy to anyone who feels the urge to expand in their creativity.
– Vera Atlantia

Practical Info & Registration

The number of students is limited to 20. Early registration is advised (see below to secure your place by sending a 500 Euros deposit)
Classes are held from Monday to Friday from 10am- 6pm with a one hour lunch break.

  • Tuition for the whole trimester with both teachers is €3300
  • Tuition for 5 weeks with a single teacher is €2000

Make your €500 deposit for the 2019 Winter Trimester

The balance payment is due before December 20th by Bank transfer.

Refund & Cancellation Policy

  • Deposits are non-refundable.
  • Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to the Academy by letter or email.
  • Refunds will not be given once the trimester has commenced.
  • Once a Trimester has started, only in the case of serious medical condition will a refund of the Balance Payment be given in the form of credit for a future course. Otherwise tuition is non refundable.


  • Students are responsible for their own transportation, accommodation, visa, and health insurance (See Moving to Vienna for recommendations).
  • The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art reserves the right to make changes in curriculum and faculty when necessary.